Un percorso antologico nell’elemento soprannaturale e del terrore nella poesia occidentale e di lingua inglese, dal mondo letterario classico dei greci e dei latini al nostro Dante, passando per i romantici tedeschi fino alla poetica weird del Ventesimo secolo, per arrivare ad alcuni dei contemporanei autori del fantastico in versi…
Questa la selezione curata da S.T. Joshi insieme Steven J. Mariconda per il volume Dreams of Fear: Poetry of Terror and the Supernatural, edito negli Stati Uniti da Hippocampus Press. Una scelta di brani e di componimenti poetici suddivisa per periodi storici: le radici del poema fantastico nel mondo antico da Omero a Orazio; dal medioevo al Diciottesimo secolo fra l’Alighieri e il drammaturgo scozzese David Mallet; i gotici e il romanticismo da Goethe sino al britannico Thomas Hood. E ancora il tardo Diciannovesimo secolo tra Victor Hugo e l’irlandese AE, alias George William Russell, concludendo l’excursus con una rassegna di scrittori fra mainstream e genere dal californiano George Sterling fino alla più recente Ann K. Schwader, senza scordare celebrati esponenti del weird horror come Walter de la Mare, William Hope Hodgson, Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft, Donald Wandrei o Clark Ashton Smith.
“In questo volume i curatori hanno cercato di includere campioni rappresentativi di poesia weird, orrifica e soprannaturale dall’antichità classica fino al giorno d’oggi,” specifica la nota editoriale. “L’attenzione è stata concentrata su quei versi che effettivamente rappresentano fenomeni soprannaturali; gli esempi di orrore non-sovrannaturale sono generalmente stati esclusi, così come i poemi il cui accento è meramente posto sull’ineluttabilità della morte”.
In copertina un quadro del visionario pittore americano Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967). Informazioni al completo presso le pagine web dell’editore su www.hippocampuspress.com, qui a seguito invece il lungo sommario dei contenuti per esteso:
I. The Ancient World
Homer (c. 750 B.C.E.)
From The Odyssey
Euripides (485?–406 B.C.E.)
From Medea
Catullus (84?–54 B.C.E.)
Horace (65–8 B.C.E.)
Epode 5
II. From the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)
From Inferno
Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593)
From Dr. Faustus
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
From Hamlet
From Macbeth
John Donne (1572–1631)
The Apparition
John Milton (1608–1674)
From Paradise Lost
John Gay (1685–1732)
A True Story of an Apparition
David Mallet (1705?–1765)
William and Margaret
William Collins (1721–1759)
Ode to Fear
III. The Gothics and Romantics
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)
The Erl-King
The Bride of Corinth
The Dance of Death
Mary Robinson (1757–1800)
The Haunted Beach
William Blake (1757–1827)
Fair Elenor
Robert Burns (1759–1796)
Tam o’ Shanter
Friedrich von Schiller (1759–1805)
A Funeral Fantasie
Nathan Drake (1766–1836)
Ode to Superstition
James Hogg (1770–1835)
The Witch of the Gray Thorn
Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
William and Helen
The Wild Huntsman
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834)
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Kubla Khan
Robert Southey (1774–1843)
To Horror
Matthew Gregory Lewis (1775–1818)
Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogene
Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
The Lake of the Dismal Swamp
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788–1824)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)
Sister Rosa: A Ballad
John Clare (1793–1864)
The Nightmare
John Keats (1795–1821)
La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad
Heinrich Heine (1797–1856)
The Lorelei
Thomas Hood (1799–1845)
The Demon-Ship
IV. The Later Nineteenth Century
Victor Hugo (1802–1885)
The Vanished City
Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803–1849)
The Ghosts’ Moonshine
The Boding Dreams
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1822)
Haunted Houses
The Haunted Chamber
Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849)
The City in the Sea
The Haunted Palace
The Conqueror Worm
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892)
The Kraken
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809–1894)
The Broomstick Train; or, The Return of the Witches
Robert Browning (1812–1889)
Chillde Roland to the Dark Tower Came
James Russell Lowell (1819–1891)
The Ghost-Seer
Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867)
The Phantom
The Irremediable
William Allingham (1824–1889)
A Dream
George MacDonald (1824–1905)
The Homeless Ghost
George Meredith (1828–1909)
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836–1907)
The Lorelei
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909)
The Witch-Mother
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928)
The Dead Man Walking
Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914?)
A Vision of Doom
Julian Hawthorne (1846–1934)
W. E. Henley (1849–1903)
Guy de Maupassant (1850–1893)
Edwin Markham (1852–1940)
Wail of the Wandering Dead
The Wharf of Dreams
Emile Verhaeren (1855–1916)
The Miller
A. E. Housman (1859–1936)
Hell Gate
Katharine Tynan (1861–1931)
The Witch
Madison Cawein (1865–1914)
The Forest of Shadows
The Wood Water
The Night-Wind
W. B. Yeats (1865–1939)
The Phantom Ship
Dora Sigerson Shorter (1866–1918)
The Skeleton in the Cupboard
The Fetch
AE (George William Russell) (1867–1935)
A Vision of Beauty
V. The Twentieth Century
George Sterling (1869–1926)
A Dream of Fear
A Wine of Wizardry
The Thirst of Satan
Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869–1935)
The Dead Village
The Dark House
Christopher Brennan (1870–1932)
Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872–1906)
The Haunted Oak
Walter de la Mare (1873–1956)
The Listeners
Robert W. Service (1874–1958)
The Cremation of Sam McGee
Robert Frost (1874–1963)
Ghost House
The Demiurge’s Laugh
William Hope Hodgson (1877–1918)
David Park Barnitz (1878–1901)
Mad Sonnet
Edward Thomas (1878–1917)
Out in the Dark
Herman George Scheffauer (1878–1927)
Lilith of Eld
The Shadow o’er the City
Lord Dunsany (1878–1957)
Songs from an Evil Wood
The Watchers
Wilfrid Wilson Gibson (1878–1962)
The Whisperers
The Lodging House
John Masefield (1878–1967)
The Haunted
John G. Neihardt (1881–1973)
The Voice of Nemesis
Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967)
Goblin Revel
Vincent Starrett (1886–1974)
Villon Strolls at Midnight
Georg Heym (1887–1912)
The Demons of the Cities
Rupert Brooke (1887–1915)
Dead Men’s Love
Samuel Loveman (1887–1976)
Ship of Dreams
Conrad Aiken (1889–1973)
La Belle Morte
H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937)
To a Dreamere
The Wood
From Fungi from Yuggoth
Harold Vinal (1891–1965)
Ghostly Reaper
Clark Ashton Smith (1893–1961)
Ode to the Abyss
The Eldritch Dark
The Medusa of Despair
The Tears of Lilith
A Vision of Lucifer
Robert Graves (1895–1985)
The Haunted House
Frank Belknap Long (1901–1994)
The Goblin Tower
The Abominable Snow Men
Robert E. Howard (1906–1936)
Dead Man’s Hate
Donald Wandrei (1908–1987)
From Sonnets of the Midnight Hours
Joseph Payne Brennan (1918–1990)
The Scythe of Dreams
Stanley McNail (1918–1995)
The House on Maple Hill
Donald Sidney-Fryer (b. 1930)
Midnight Visitant
Richard L. Tierney (b. 1936)
The Evil House
To the Hydrogen Bomb
Bruce Boston (b. 1943)
The Nightmare Collector
Ghost Blood
Brett Rutherford (b. 1947)
G. Sutton Breiding (b. 1950)
The Worm of Midnight
Black Leather Vampyre
W. H. Pugmire (b. 1951)
The Outsider’s Song
Gary William Crawford (b. 1953)
The Formicary
Keith Allen Daniels (1956–2001)
Leigh Blackmore (b. 1959)
Terror Australis
Ann K. Schwader (b. 1960)
The Coming of Chaos
Index of Poets
Dreams of Fear: Poetry of Terror and the Supernatural
a cura di S.T. Joshi e Steven J. Mariconda
Hippocampus Press, 2013
brossura, 348 pagine, $20.00
ISBN 9781614980278
Questa la selezione curata da S.T. Joshi insieme Steven J. Mariconda per il volume Dreams of Fear: Poetry of Terror and the Supernatural, edito negli Stati Uniti da Hippocampus Press. Una scelta di brani e di componimenti poetici suddivisa per periodi storici: le radici del poema fantastico nel mondo antico da Omero a Orazio; dal medioevo al Diciottesimo secolo fra l’Alighieri e il drammaturgo scozzese David Mallet; i gotici e il romanticismo da Goethe sino al britannico Thomas Hood. E ancora il tardo Diciannovesimo secolo tra Victor Hugo e l’irlandese AE, alias George William Russell, concludendo l’excursus con una rassegna di scrittori fra mainstream e genere dal californiano George Sterling fino alla più recente Ann K. Schwader, senza scordare celebrati esponenti del weird horror come Walter de la Mare, William Hope Hodgson, Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft, Donald Wandrei o Clark Ashton Smith.
“In questo volume i curatori hanno cercato di includere campioni rappresentativi di poesia weird, orrifica e soprannaturale dall’antichità classica fino al giorno d’oggi,” specifica la nota editoriale. “L’attenzione è stata concentrata su quei versi che effettivamente rappresentano fenomeni soprannaturali; gli esempi di orrore non-sovrannaturale sono generalmente stati esclusi, così come i poemi il cui accento è meramente posto sull’ineluttabilità della morte”.
In copertina un quadro del visionario pittore americano Charles E. Burchfield (1893-1967). Informazioni al completo presso le pagine web dell’editore su www.hippocampuspress.com, qui a seguito invece il lungo sommario dei contenuti per esteso:
I. The Ancient World
Homer (c. 750 B.C.E.)
From The Odyssey
Euripides (485?–406 B.C.E.)
From Medea
Catullus (84?–54 B.C.E.)
Horace (65–8 B.C.E.)
Epode 5
II. From the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)
From Inferno
Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593)
From Dr. Faustus
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
From Hamlet
From Macbeth
John Donne (1572–1631)
The Apparition
John Milton (1608–1674)
From Paradise Lost
John Gay (1685–1732)
A True Story of an Apparition
David Mallet (1705?–1765)
William and Margaret
William Collins (1721–1759)
Ode to Fear
III. The Gothics and Romantics
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)
The Erl-King
The Bride of Corinth
The Dance of Death
Mary Robinson (1757–1800)
The Haunted Beach
William Blake (1757–1827)
Fair Elenor
Robert Burns (1759–1796)
Tam o’ Shanter
Friedrich von Schiller (1759–1805)
A Funeral Fantasie
Nathan Drake (1766–1836)
Ode to Superstition
James Hogg (1770–1835)
The Witch of the Gray Thorn
Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
William and Helen
The Wild Huntsman
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834)
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Kubla Khan
Robert Southey (1774–1843)
To Horror
Matthew Gregory Lewis (1775–1818)
Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogene
Thomas Moore (1779–1852)
The Lake of the Dismal Swamp
George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788–1824)
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)
Sister Rosa: A Ballad
John Clare (1793–1864)
The Nightmare
John Keats (1795–1821)
La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad
Heinrich Heine (1797–1856)
The Lorelei
Thomas Hood (1799–1845)
The Demon-Ship
IV. The Later Nineteenth Century
Victor Hugo (1802–1885)
The Vanished City
Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803–1849)
The Ghosts’ Moonshine
The Boding Dreams
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1822)
Haunted Houses
The Haunted Chamber
Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849)
The City in the Sea
The Haunted Palace
The Conqueror Worm
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892)
The Kraken
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809–1894)
The Broomstick Train; or, The Return of the Witches
Robert Browning (1812–1889)
Chillde Roland to the Dark Tower Came
James Russell Lowell (1819–1891)
The Ghost-Seer
Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867)
The Phantom
The Irremediable
William Allingham (1824–1889)
A Dream
George MacDonald (1824–1905)
The Homeless Ghost
George Meredith (1828–1909)
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836–1907)
The Lorelei
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909)
The Witch-Mother
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928)
The Dead Man Walking
Ambrose Bierce (1842–1914?)
A Vision of Doom
Julian Hawthorne (1846–1934)
W. E. Henley (1849–1903)
Guy de Maupassant (1850–1893)
Edwin Markham (1852–1940)
Wail of the Wandering Dead
The Wharf of Dreams
Emile Verhaeren (1855–1916)
The Miller
A. E. Housman (1859–1936)
Hell Gate
Katharine Tynan (1861–1931)
The Witch
Madison Cawein (1865–1914)
The Forest of Shadows
The Wood Water
The Night-Wind
W. B. Yeats (1865–1939)
The Phantom Ship
Dora Sigerson Shorter (1866–1918)
The Skeleton in the Cupboard
The Fetch
AE (George William Russell) (1867–1935)
A Vision of Beauty
V. The Twentieth Century
George Sterling (1869–1926)
A Dream of Fear
A Wine of Wizardry
The Thirst of Satan
Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869–1935)
The Dead Village
The Dark House
Christopher Brennan (1870–1932)
Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872–1906)
The Haunted Oak
Walter de la Mare (1873–1956)
The Listeners
Robert W. Service (1874–1958)
The Cremation of Sam McGee
Robert Frost (1874–1963)
Ghost House
The Demiurge’s Laugh
William Hope Hodgson (1877–1918)
David Park Barnitz (1878–1901)
Mad Sonnet
Edward Thomas (1878–1917)
Out in the Dark
Herman George Scheffauer (1878–1927)
Lilith of Eld
The Shadow o’er the City
Lord Dunsany (1878–1957)
Songs from an Evil Wood
The Watchers
Wilfrid Wilson Gibson (1878–1962)
The Whisperers
The Lodging House
John Masefield (1878–1967)
The Haunted
John G. Neihardt (1881–1973)
The Voice of Nemesis
Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967)
Goblin Revel
Vincent Starrett (1886–1974)
Villon Strolls at Midnight
Georg Heym (1887–1912)
The Demons of the Cities
Rupert Brooke (1887–1915)
Dead Men’s Love
Samuel Loveman (1887–1976)
Ship of Dreams
Conrad Aiken (1889–1973)
La Belle Morte
H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937)
To a Dreamere
The Wood
From Fungi from Yuggoth
Harold Vinal (1891–1965)
Ghostly Reaper
Clark Ashton Smith (1893–1961)
Ode to the Abyss
The Eldritch Dark
The Medusa of Despair
The Tears of Lilith
A Vision of Lucifer
Robert Graves (1895–1985)
The Haunted House
Frank Belknap Long (1901–1994)
The Goblin Tower
The Abominable Snow Men
Robert E. Howard (1906–1936)
Dead Man’s Hate
Donald Wandrei (1908–1987)
From Sonnets of the Midnight Hours
Joseph Payne Brennan (1918–1990)
The Scythe of Dreams
Stanley McNail (1918–1995)
The House on Maple Hill
Donald Sidney-Fryer (b. 1930)
Midnight Visitant
Richard L. Tierney (b. 1936)
The Evil House
To the Hydrogen Bomb
Bruce Boston (b. 1943)
The Nightmare Collector
Ghost Blood
Brett Rutherford (b. 1947)
G. Sutton Breiding (b. 1950)
The Worm of Midnight
Black Leather Vampyre
W. H. Pugmire (b. 1951)
The Outsider’s Song
Gary William Crawford (b. 1953)
The Formicary
Keith Allen Daniels (1956–2001)
Leigh Blackmore (b. 1959)
Terror Australis
Ann K. Schwader (b. 1960)
The Coming of Chaos
Index of Poets
Dreams of Fear: Poetry of Terror and the Supernatural
a cura di S.T. Joshi e Steven J. Mariconda
Hippocampus Press, 2013
brossura, 348 pagine, $20.00
ISBN 9781614980278
Andrea Bonazzi
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